Monday, January 21, 2008

Ode ta' Brett

OK, i hope he comes back, but assuming he doesn't...... i wrote this hopefully-not-too-hokey poem this morning..... between tears......

This morning woe and sorrow felt
Among the faithful fan -
A valiant warrior fallen short
Of what HAD to be God's plan!

Although for always, we shall say
"Your victory deserved"
A place in Canton and our love
For you, ALWAYS reserved

One step away from "one more time"
You leave us begging MORE!
But trust we do in you and so
Accept the choice you're for

Gratitude, joy, excitement...
Yes, these feelings all remain
To see you play another day
Would bring them all again

However, JOY for you is now
What we should long to see
The thought of rest for our great warrior
Warms this heart in me

God bless you Brett, you've played so well
Its hard to see you go
But joy I feel - this day is real
God has plans for you I know

As you step off the field of play
The story does not end
The great chapter, yes, is over
The conclusion now begins

What God has given to you
Is the chance to show to all
That He's graced you with much more
Than just how well you throw a ball

Your honesty, your strength, your joy
They all were given you
To use to better serve the God
Who GRACE instilled in you

Thank you, Brett... Your impact in this world is already greater than you might know. May God use you for even greater things yet to come.

1 comment:

Sara said...

please update your blog.