Friday, January 18, 2008

Mike Huckabee

OK - I am indeed a supporter of Mike Huckabee for President. I am sure i disagree with him on some things - but i can tell that he is letting God lead him, which is enough for me in and of itself. I like his support of the fair tax, and i like his views on immigration and abortion. I wish he would be stronger in communicating his stand on immigration reform - that is so important to a lot of us, and i am waiting for someone to take that as a central focus of their campaign, instead of just a sidebar. Mike is a very good communicator, and he could influence a lot of people on the immigration issue.....

I would not consider voting for any of the democrats - the closest would be Joe Biden, but only because he seemed to be the only one who supported the war in any regard. Anyway, moot point now.

Out of the republicans, i like Duncan Hunter.... is he still in? cant remember. Anyway, Guiliani - i like his strong immigration policy, but nothing else. Mitt - too much pride and defensiveness for me.... plus i do believe his religion to be deceptive and secretive. I also like Fred Thompson.... just dont know enough about him.... Heard Alan Keyes jumped in! Cool - i like him too. who else.... oh - John McCain - i admire his service, but i do not agree with him on a few key things.

Anyway...... Huckabee.... then Keyes..... then Thompson..... then Hunter (if he hasnt dropped out yet)

thats where i am right now......


Lee Nickles said...

First comment! Hey bro!

What about Ron Paul? Also in favor of the fair tax, againt abortion, and he's committed to following the constitution. I'm leaning his way because at least I'm pretty sure of what I'm getting when I vote for him unlike others (*cough*Romney*cough).

Just throwing it out there. But, the primary in North Carolina is so late it really doesn't matter what I think.

Hrothgar said...

You win a fake prize of some sort for being the first to post. Hey - how 'bout a Fred Thompson bumper sticker? just kidding

i do like ron paul - but i would rather stay and finish in iraq - thats the only thing there i would say.....i like almost everything else i see with him......